
Chicken lasagne with asparagus and cheese “Brie”
Lasagna di pollo asparagi e formaggio “Brie” $12.95

Lasagna di pollo asparagi e formaggio “Brie”


Chicken lasagne with asparagus and cheese “Brie”

  • asparagus,
  • brie,
  • lasagne,
  • beschamel,
  • Delicious
Chicken with stuffed asparagus, asparagus sauce, and grilled potatoes
Fagottini di pollo agli asparagi $23.95

Fagottini di pollo agli asparagi


Chicken with stuffed asparagus, asparagus sauce, and potatoes

  • garlic,
  • tomatoes,
  • asparagus,
  • onion,
  • chicken,